Marina - Responsive & Retina Ready phpBB3 Theme - ThemeForest

Marina is a clean, simple, fully responsive & retina-ready theme for phpBB 3.0.12 and 3.1.6. It’s created using the ideas and principles of the modern and so popular flat design. Marina is a great choice for building a community of any type.

BBOOTS v3.0.3 - HTML5/CSS3 Fully Responsive phpBB3.1 Theme - ThemeForest

BBOOTS™ Is The First And Only Fully Responsive phpBB® Unofficial HTML5/CSS3 Theme Built Entirely from the GROUND-UP. It’s Clean And Crisp Design Looks AWESOME Across All Browsers And Devices. Based on Bootstrap Framework is sure to AMAZE the phpBB Fan Club

FLATBOOTS - phpBB 3.1 and 3.0 - ThemeForest

phpBB 3.1 and 3.0 included. Choose what you like best. Bootstrap 3.3.5 Fully integrated and untouched (The only theme in the phpBB market section that has been TRULY written from scratch on top bootstrap, line by line.

Donations v3.2.4 - IPB (IP.Board) Applications & Plugins - DevFuse

Help fund your forum with donations, setup goals and track member donations. Offer rewards for members donating.


    Option to automatically demote a member back to his original member group x days after there donation.
    Option to mark goals as achieved and remove them from listing after they have reached 100% donations.
    Option to create goals that are continuous and have no set end date.
    RSS feeds for latest donations and latest goals listings.
    Ability to track the individual status of each goal as members choose to donate to there preferred goals.
    Setup fixed donation amounts a member can donate or let the member choose the amount. This includes a minimum donation amount allowed.
    Group permissions for who can view the donation tracker, view goals, view donations and for who can donate.
    All payment data is logged including successful and unsuccessful attempts on the payment function.
    New discussion topic created for each new successful donation.
    Ability to track the top donors in the view top donors page.
    Payment gateways included are: Paypal, Skrill, Payza (Alert Pay), Offline Payments and Paymentwall.

Requirements: IP.Board 4.0.x - PHP 5.2+ - MySQL 4.1+ - Read full requirements here. The IP.Board 3.4.x version will be offered as an extra download and remain supported until IPS makes IP.Board 3.4 end of life.

WoltLab - Burning Board v4.1.4

Burning Board® is the key to build up and run a successful community. The 4th generation of our established forum software provides an excellent user experiences using the best available technologies. Our structured and efficient administration control panel allows you to manage even the largest communities without great effort and technical knowledge. Benefit from our decades of experience and rely on quality Made in Germany.

TaigaChat Pro v1.4.3 - Realtime chat/shoutbox for XenForo

TaigaChat Pro brings to the table a wide array of commonly-requested features in the original TaigaChat free version, along with many improvements of my own concoction to make TaigaChat Pro more than an old-fashioned shoutbox - it is now also suited to replace highly-concurrent Flash, IRC and proprietary chatrooms.

XenForo 1.4.6 NULLED

XenForo - it's fast and convenient system management forum. The developers of this software product dedicated many years working on such a hit as VBulletin. Therefore, among the priorities: high speed, resistance to heavy loads, as well as advanced functionality.

At this point, XenForo favorably with competitors-performance, lightweight design includes several original pieces, as well as easy to navigate.

The system is flexible framework - XenFramework, provides great opportunities for developers, developers, mods and extensions.

Demanded community experience. Intuitive. Social. Attraction. Quickly. XenForo brings a new perspective for the forum software.